Video index
1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Public comment on the Groundwater Management Plan proposed for re-adoption.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action approving Resolution #25-001 readopting District Groundwater Management Plan. (Part 1 of 2)
4. Presentation and discussion of the District Groundwater Management Plan proposed for re- adoption as required by Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code and Chapter 356 of the Texas Water Development Board's ("TWDB`s") rules contained in Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action approving Resolution #25-001 readopting District Groundwater Management Plan. (Part 2 of 2)
1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the following Operating Permits and/or Exemptions
1. Call to Order and Declare Regular Meeting Open to the Public
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes:
7. Committee Reports:
8. General Manager’s Report
9. General Counsel’s Report
Mar 04, 2025 District Board of Directors Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Public comment on the Groundwater Management Plan proposed for re-adoption.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action approving Resolution #25-001 readopting District Groundwater Management Plan. (Part 1 of 2)
4. Presentation and discussion of the District Groundwater Management Plan proposed for re- adoption as required by Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code and Chapter 356 of the Texas Water Development Board's ("TWDB`s") rules contained in Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action approving Resolution #25-001 readopting District Groundwater Management Plan. (Part 2 of 2)
1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the following Operating Permits and/or Exemptions
1. Call to Order and Declare Regular Meeting Open to the Public
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes:
7. Committee Reports:
8. General Manager’s Report
9. General Counsel’s Report
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