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1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the following Operating Permits and/or Exemptions
1. Call to Order and Declare Regular Meeting Open to the Public
4. Executive Session - The Board will recess for a closed Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071, to consult with the District's attorney regarding any agenda item on any of the board meetings or hearings posted for today.
5. Re-convene in Open Session.
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes:
7. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary regarding approving draft management plan for public comment— Stuart Traylor, Stacey Reese
8. Committee Reports:
9. General Manager's Report
10. General Counsel's Report
11. New Business.
Feb 11, 2025 District Board of Directors Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order and Declare Hearing Open to the Public
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action on the following Operating Permits and/or Exemptions
1. Call to Order and Declare Regular Meeting Open to the Public
4. Executive Session - The Board will recess for a closed Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.071, to consult with the District's attorney regarding any agenda item on any of the board meetings or hearings posted for today.
5. Re-convene in Open Session.
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes:
7. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary regarding approving draft management plan for public comment— Stuart Traylor, Stacey Reese
8. Committee Reports:
9. General Manager's Report
10. General Counsel's Report
11. New Business.
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