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Call to Order
4. Executive Session - The Board will recess for a closed Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.074 (personnel matters - hiring for the General Manager position) and §551.071, to consult with the District's attorney regarding pending (appeal of TWDB's decision on District's Management Plan) or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code regarding any agenda item on any of the board meetings or hearings posted for today. No action will be taken in Executive Session.
5. Re-convene in Open Session.
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes: a) July 9, 2019, Special Board Meeting b) July 9, 2019, Public Hearing on Permit Applications c) July 9, 2019, Regular Board of Directors Meeting
7. Presentation of unaudited financials for the month of July 2019 - Kay Martin
8. Update and discussion regarding 2020 Operating Budget and water use fees. a) Discuss, consider and possible action regarding approval of Resolution #19-006 adopting FY 2020 Operating and Capital Outlay Budgets
9. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary on Resolution #19-007 amending aitj establishing administrative fee schedule.
10. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary on Resolution #19-008 authorizing water use fee rate schedule for 2020.
11. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary regarding the District's banking depository for the District's public funds for a two-year term with a two-year renewal.
12. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary to approve Resolution #19-009 reviewing and approving Investment Policy and Investment Strategies as required annually by the Public Funds Investment Act of Texas.
13. Receive information from District's technical consultants regarding subsidence studies.
14. Receive information and/or status update regarding the two study groups on proposed draft rules.
15. Discuss, consider and take action as necessary to fill the General Manager's position on a permanent basis.
16. Groundwater Management Area 14 - update the board on the issues related to joint planning activities and development of desired future conditions in GMA 14 - Harry Hardman a) Discussion, consideration, and possible action on any items related to Lone Star GCD's proposal(s) to and/or participation in GMA 14.
17. General Manager's Report - The Interim General Manager will brief the Board on pertinent operational and management issues that the District, its employees, or consultants have encountered since the last regular Board meeting. - Samantha Stried Reiter
18. General Counsel's Report - The District's legal counsel will brief the Board on any pertinent legal issues and developments impacting the District since the last regular Board meeting, and legal counsel's activities on behalf of the District, including without limitation: waste injection well monitoring activities and injection well applications filed at the Railroad Commission of Texas or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, including District protests or other actions regarding same; District rules enforcement activities; District Rules and regulations, and District Management Plan development or implementation issues; ground water-related legislative activities; joint planning and desired future conditions development activities; contemplated and/or pending litigation involving the District; developments in groundwater case law and submission of legal briefs; contractual issues related to the District; open government, policy, personnel, and financial issues of the District; and other legal activities on behalf of the District V. Reese.
Aug 13, 2019 District Board of Directors Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Call to Order
4. Executive Session - The Board will recess for a closed Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code, §551.074 (personnel matters - hiring for the General Manager position) and §551.071, to consult with the District's attorney regarding pending (appeal of TWDB's decision on District's Management Plan) or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or on matters in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551, Government Code regarding any agenda item on any of the board meetings or hearings posted for today. No action will be taken in Executive Session.
5. Re-convene in Open Session.
6. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary concerning approval of Meeting Minutes: a) July 9, 2019, Special Board Meeting b) July 9, 2019, Public Hearing on Permit Applications c) July 9, 2019, Regular Board of Directors Meeting
7. Presentation of unaudited financials for the month of July 2019 - Kay Martin
8. Update and discussion regarding 2020 Operating Budget and water use fees. a) Discuss, consider and possible action regarding approval of Resolution #19-006 adopting FY 2020 Operating and Capital Outlay Budgets
9. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary on Resolution #19-007 amending aitj establishing administrative fee schedule.
10. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary on Resolution #19-008 authorizing water use fee rate schedule for 2020.
11. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary regarding the District's banking depository for the District's public funds for a two-year term with a two-year renewal.
12. Discuss, consider, and take action as necessary to approve Resolution #19-009 reviewing and approving Investment Policy and Investment Strategies as required annually by the Public Funds Investment Act of Texas.
13. Receive information from District's technical consultants regarding subsidence studies.
14. Receive information and/or status update regarding the two study groups on proposed draft rules.
15. Discuss, consider and take action as necessary to fill the General Manager's position on a permanent basis.
16. Groundwater Management Area 14 - update the board on the issues related to joint planning activities and development of desired future conditions in GMA 14 - Harry Hardman a) Discussion, consideration, and possible action on any items related to Lone Star GCD's proposal(s) to and/or participation in GMA 14.
17. General Manager's Report - The Interim General Manager will brief the Board on pertinent operational and management issues that the District, its employees, or consultants have encountered since the last regular Board meeting. - Samantha Stried Reiter
18. General Counsel's Report - The District's legal counsel will brief the Board on any pertinent legal issues and developments impacting the District since the last regular Board meeting, and legal counsel's activities on behalf of the District, including without limitation: waste injection well monitoring activities and injection well applications filed at the Railroad Commission of Texas or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, including District protests or other actions regarding same; District rules enforcement activities; District Rules and regulations, and District Management Plan development or implementation issues; ground water-related legislative activities; joint planning and desired future conditions development activities; contemplated and/or pending litigation involving the District; developments in groundwater case law and submission of legal briefs; contractual issues related to the District; open government, policy, personnel, and financial issues of the District; and other legal activities on behalf of the District V. Reese.
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